comic book image of a giant hand holding a small patch of land with people growing food

Past events

Explore highlights from our events, with links to more information and recordings where available.

10 October 2023

Commoning Xolobeni: Past, Present and Future

September 2023

Masters in Commons Administration (MCA) pilot course, Bristol, UK

20 July 2023
Seminar: Bernadette Floresca – Archives, coloniality and the neoliberal agenda

27-29 June 2023
POLLEN23: Exhibition and talks

26 April 2023
Book talk: Peter Gelderloos – The solutions are already here

18 January 2023
Book talk: JT Roane – Dark Agoras: Insurgent Black social life and the politics of place

7 December 2022
Crisis, development and ecologies of the new commons

1-3 July 2022
Masters in Commons Administration (MCA) taster course, Brighton, UK

For events in the future, visit the main calendar page.

Comic: Future Natures

Future Natures

‘Sedentist’ bias and the pastoral commons

Future Natures

Pastoralists are often marginalised from common land and resources, even by policies that claim to help them. Policies are based on a bias towards fixed, formalised land ownership.

On the Promise of the Commons

Anoushka Zoob Carter

Comic: Weird Ecologies

Future Natures

Comic about the radical potential of ‘weird ecologies’ to affect people’s views of nature.