Future Natures uses research, arts and storytelling to explore the politics and ecologies of crisis, enclosure and possibilities for building plural futures in a changed and changing world.


Explore our collection of comics on commoning, enclosures and the ideas that animate them.

Latest stories

Using maps to defend land in Xolobeni

Future Natures

Podcast: Unearthing environmentalism and techno-capitalist vampires

Future Natures

A conversation with Patrick Bresnihan about histories of environmental movements, and the material impacts of digital technology.

Podcast: Using storytelling approaches to explore commoning

Future Natures

Future Natures coordinator Amber Huff is interviewed on the ‘Frontiers of Commoning’ podcast by David Bollier.


Future Natures

Call for participation: the ‘Strange Broth’ gathering in April 2025, hosted by GalGael, will be an opportunity to gather and make, learn, play and share stories for commons and commoning.

Comic: Little Elle in Slumberland

Future Natures

Podcast: Fungi and radical futures

Future Natures
