Category: Nature & Natural Resources
Ideas and stories that show how people understand, value and struggle over nature and natural resources.
Strange Natures: PLOT – A film by JT Roane
An experimental film by JT Roane reflecting on the past and present of historic rural Black landscapes.
Comic: Map, Territory, Story
The second comic from Future Natures explores the abuses of maps and the myth of the so-called ‘tragedy’ of the commons.
To think, feel and see otherwise: a report and a mini-zine from POLLEN23
Some reflections and a mini-zine from the conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) in June 2023.
My body as food, my food as neighbour
Starting from the ecologies and relationships involved in foraging, Elaina Weber discusses how you might see your food as community, and yourself as ‘future food’.