illustration of fungi

Projects and collaborations

Future Natures works on a series of projects to explore particular issues through research and dialogue. We are also connected with a number of people and organisations for longer-term collaboration.

Read about our projects and find out how to connect with us.

Current projects and collaborations

Future Natures podcast

The Future Natures podcast is a series of conversations about nature, commons and enclosures with people involved in action, research and activism.

Conservation Labor: A New Frontier in Labor Theory and Conservation Science (CONLAB)
A multi-country research project about ‘labour’ in conservation research, practice and policy. The research explores power relations, social hierarchies, working conditions, and related political and social conflicts. It examines how conditions are changing as conservation comes to rely more on surveillance technologies and becomes more militarised.

The Commonsverse
The Commonsverse is a growing, open directory of commoning projects. The project experiments with ‘wiki’ technology to share knowledge and build information collaboratively online.

We are part of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN), a global network of political ecologists which encourages exchanges of knowledge and ideas, including through a series of biennial conferences.  

We are participating in InCommons, an initiative to develop courses and events for commoners to explore theory, share their learning and reflect on practices and experiences. Future Natures hosted the first ‘taster’ course for InCommons in 2022 in Brighton, UK.

Past activities

The Multi-Country Mpox Outbreak: Livelihoods, Vulnerability and Preparedness (2022-2023)
A project which investigated the experience of mpox in Nigeria, and aimed to draw lessons for health care in the country and worldwide. Other partners included researchers at the Institute of Development Studies, UK and the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Our contributions included a photo story and comic sharing findings from the research.

Get involved

Contact us: If you have ideas for collaboration or want to know more about any of these initiatives, email us: [email protected]

Network: The Future Natures network exists to explore ideas and make connections between people interested in commons, enclosures and nature around the world. Find out more about how to get involved in the network.

News & updates: To stay informed about our activities, sign up to our newsletter, or connect with us on Twitter or Mastodon.


Future Natures

Comic: Future Natures

Future Natures

Introductory comic from Future Natures about modern crises and the radical potential of commoning.

‘Sedentist’ bias and the pastoral commons

Future Natures

Pastoralists are often marginalised from common land and resources, even by policies that claim to help them. Policies are based on a bias towards fixed, formalised land ownership.

On the Promise of the Commons

Anoushka Zoob Carter

Comic: Weird Ecologies

Future Natures