Category: Agrarian Space
Stories from spaces and struggles involving people whose lives depend on growing food and living off the land.
Unsettling enclosures
Anoushka Zoob Carter asks what the unsettling of enclosures looks like on the land in three different contexts.
How could land in England be reformed for the commons?
Elise Wach explores the proposals from various social movements for changing how England’s rural spaces are governed.
Geothermal meets pastoral livelihoods in Kenya
The expansion of geothermal power in Kenya has impacted the Maasai and other residents, creating new divisions and tensions.
Hopping over the fence
How mass trespassers in England are venturing on to fenced-off lands to reconnect with lost commons.
Treating food as commons, not commodities
Jose Luis Vivero Pol explores new ways of democratising the governance of food systems and how (re)commoning food in society requires challenging dominant norms that value food as a commodity.
On the Promise of the Commons
In this podcast episode, Vandana Shiva tells the story of historical struggle against colonialism and neoliberal capitalism that involves the commodification of seeds. She explains how re-commoning of seeds is a defence of a shared ecological and human diversity.
‘Sedentist’ bias and the pastoral commons
Pastoralists are often marginalised from common land and resources, even by policies that claim to help them. Policies are based on a bias towards fixed, formalised land ownership.